Learn to Recognise the Early Signs of Laminitis

Learn to Recognise the Early Signs of Laminitis

There is a lot still to learn about laminitis but, for the horse, extreme pain is the eventual result.  The changes to the hoof capsule that happen after full-on laminitic event are well-known and easier to recognise.  Lameness, in some cases severe and the angle...

Stifle Lameness

Stifle Lameness

The stifle is the largest and most complex joint in the horse and, as such, it is an important cause of hindlimb lameness. Equivalent to the human knee, the stifle is controlled by some of the most powerful muscles in the horse’s hindquarters and is subject to...

Pre-purchase Veterinary Exam

Pre-purchase Veterinary Exam

Pre-purchase veterinary exams: Hindsight is a wonderful thing and buying horses is a risky business. While there is no such thing as a perfect horse, a pre-purchase exam can answer many questions about the likely significance of an abnormality and likely long-term...

Horse Joints and Supplements

Horse Joints and Supplements

Horse Joints and Supplements: Joint issues are one of the major issues that all horse owners face. This article aims to provide a general understanding of basic concepts around joint health.  Importantly, the take home message from this article is that, when it comes...

Joint Disease and Treatment

Joint Disease and Treatment

Joint Disease. Lameness is one of the top three areas of equine veterinary medicine, along with colic and reproduction. Joint disease is the most common cause of lameness and results from pain during movement. The onset of pain can be sudden or long-term, and may...

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