Inside this Issue:

In-depth Health from the Equine Dental Vets Joint Disease  Written by Marta Wareszka

Trimming and Shoeing  Written by Luke Wells- smith

Limb Deformities in the Foal by  Written by Amanda Warren Smith

Dental Problems of the Orphan Foal  Written by Shannon Lee

Raising an Orphan Foal  Written by Wambaroo

Nutrition of the Orphan Foal  Written by Gordon Rich

Handling Orphan Foals by Written by Amanda Warren Smith

Holistic Planning for Horse and Land Owners – Part 4 Holistic Grazing Planning  Written by Mariette van den Berg

Fat and Unhappy Written by unknown

The Flying Knight Written by Paola Baragli

Kissing Spines by  Written by Lesley Goff

Eye Diseases in dogs  Written by Rod Stevens

Breed Feature: The Waler – Australia’s Own Written by The Waler Society

Meet Shane Alloway Written by Shane Alloway