Boost Your Dressage Scores Part 12: Half Pass and Pirouettes
Last month, I began talking about lateral movements, which involve a combination of some of the aids you have already been training. The combinations of the aids and postures can either turn the shoulders, the hindquarters or both. I explained about riding the...
Boost Your Dressage Scores Part 11: Lateral Movements – Shoulder in, Travers and Renvers
Lateral movements: Shoulder in, Travers and Renvers In the previous article, Manuela McLean explained how to ride a good test and, this month, she begins to wind the series down with lateral movements - the gateway to developing and testing your horse’s ability to...
Boost Your Dressage Scores Part 10: Riding the Test
Riding the test. In this part of the series, Manuela reveals the secrets to riding a dressage test with the accuracy and precision that will boost your scores. In this series, Dr Andrew and Manuela McLean, founders of the Australian Equine Behaviour Centre (AEBC) and...
Boost Your Dressage Scores Part 9: Engagement
Engagement Want to know the secret to scoring 9's and more? Read on as Manuela continues up the training scale and dressage test marks, breaking down the judging criteria into clear training strategies, and providing simple exercises to help improve your training and...
Boost Your Dressage Scores Part 8: Contact
Contact Do you want to score 8's in your next dressage test? Read on... In Part 8 of this series, Manuela McLean continues to explain dressage judging against the backdrop of learning theory and the equitation science shaping scale, helping you develop clear training...
Boost Your Dressage Scores Part 7: Straightness 2
Straightness Part 2 Do you want to score higher than 7 in your next dressage test? In Part 7 of this series, Manuela McLean continues to explain dressage judging against the backdrop of learning theory and the equitation science shaping scale, helping you develop...
Boost Your Dressage Scores Part 6: Straightness 1
Straightness Part 1 Do you want to score higher than 7 in your next dressage test? In Part 6 of this series, Manuela McLean continues to explain dressage judging against the backdrop of learning theory and the equitation science shaping scale, helping you develop...
Boost Your Dressage Scores Part 5: Developing Rhythm and Tempo
Developing Rhythm and Tempo. Do you want to improve on marks of 5 and 6 in every movement of your next dressage competition? Read on… In Part 5 of this series, Manuela McLean continues to explain dressage judging against the backdrop of learning theory and the...
Boost Your Dressage Scores Part 4: Obedience
Obedience. Do you want to improve on marks of 3 to 5 in every movement of your next dressage competition? ? Read on... In Part 4 of this series, Manuela McLean continues to explain dressage judging against the backdrop of learning theory and the equitation science...
Boost Your Dressage Scores Part 3: Incorrect Responses
Incorrect responses. Want to score higher than 0-3 in every movement of your next dressage test? Read on... In Part 3 of this series, Manuela McLean discusses incorrect responses, which judges would mark between 0 and 3 and how to re-train them to boost your next...
Boost your Dressage Scores Part 2: Judging vs Training
Training strategies. In Part 2 of this exclusive series, Manuela McLean makes sense of the current judging system against the backdrop of learning theory and the equitation science training scale, helping you develop clear strategies to improve your horse's...
From Little Trainers, Great Trainers Grow!
Teaching kids to train their ponies, and not just ‘ride them’, greatly boosts their confidence and learning. Kids as young as six easily learn and understand the basic principles of horse training, such as pressure-release, rewards, timing and one signal for one...
Boost your Dressage Scores Part 1: The Equitation Science Training Scale
The Equitation Science Training Scale. "If dressage is the highest expression of horse training, dressage judging should be a transparent and systematic system for de-constructing that training". Horses and People Editor, Cristina Wilkins, speaks with Andrew McLean...