


Biological Name:

Scutellaria laterifolia

Skullcap Parts Used:

Aerial parts (leaves and stem).


Aglycone, baicalein, baicalin, bioflavonoids, bitter iridoids, calcium, carbohydrates, fats, fibre, flavonoid glycosides, glycosides, iridiods, iron, magnesium, melatonin, phosphorus, polysaccharides, potassium, protein, resin, scutellarin, scutellarein, sodium, tannins, vitamin C, volatile oil, wogonin and zinc.

Reported Actions of Skullcap:

Antiallergenic, antibacterial, anticancer, anticonvulsant (slightly), antidiabetic, antiemetic, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, antimutagen, antioxidant, antispasmodic, antiplatelet, antiproliferative, antiulcer, antiviral, anodyne, astringent, digestive, hepaprotective, inhibits the release of histamine, hypotensive, liver stimulant, nervine, neuroprotective, nourishing, relaxant, restorative, sedative and tonic.

Skullcap May assist with:

The healing of fungal infections; allergies, asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs, respiratory infections and pneumonia; and may also reduce fevers. It has reportedly been used to assist colitis, poor and weak digestion and hepatitis; studies report that is regulates and sometimes reduces sexual desire, as well as, promoting menstruation, assisting with PMS symptoms and menstrual cramping.  It is also known to encourage the expulsion of afterbirth.
It may assist all exhausted or depressed conditions. It will help support and nourish the nervous system, calm and relieve stress and relax the central nervous system. Skullcap may give relief, support and strengthen all acute and chronic diseases that affect the nervous system and help to heal frayed nerves. It can also benefit neurological and neuromotor conditions. Beneficial for agitation, anxiety, depression, epilepsy, excitability, hyperactivity, mild hypertension, hysteria, irritability, restlessness, stress, tension and prevents seizures.


AVOID using the tincture of this herb unless under professional supervision. It has caused giddiness in humans and may well affect some horses in the same way.


This herb combines well with valerian.
Herbal supplements should not replace good management and this article is not intended as veterinary advice. We encourage you to make healthcare decisions for your horse based upon research and in partnership with a qualified equine veterinarian.